En este momento estás viendo More than 50 solar photovoltaic parks to be completed in Cuba by 2025
El parque solar fotovoltaico Escuela de Enfermería, en Cotorro, La Habana, que comenzará a aportar al SEN el 21 de febrero, luego de completar su entramado eléctrico el 31 de enero. Foto: Ricardo López Hevia/ Granma / The Escuela de Enfermería photovoltaic solar park in Cotorro, Havana, which will begin to contribute to the SEN on 21 February, after completing its electricity grid on 31 January. Photo: Ricardo López Hevia/ Granma.

More than 50 solar photovoltaic parks to be completed in Cuba by 2025

In 2025, the first 55 photovoltaic solar parks will be completed, with an output of 21.8 megawatts, out of 92, foreseeing a project of 2 012 MW of generation.

The parks, which are in different phases of construction and assembly, will deliver around 1 200 MW to the SEN.

The project has a 50 MW battery storage system in four facilities (Bayamo, Granma; the José Antonio Echeverría Technological University of Havana (Cujae), in Cotorro, Havana, and Cueto, Holguín).

One of these facilities is the Escuela de Enfermería photovoltaic solar park in Cotorro, Havana, which will begin to contribute to the SEN on 21 February, after completing its electrical grid on 31 January, according to the dates in the execution schedule, said construction manager Frank Abel Mulet García.

Work began in March 2024, with the service premises for the workers, and between June and July work began on the pile-driving, after the arrival of 16,380 piles.

In August, the installation of 1,638 tables, which support the solar panels or modules, began, said Mulet García.

After the assembly of between 500 and 600 tables, they moved on to the assembly of the panels (42,588), with a power of 560 watts peak during maximum generation, in correspondence with the intensity of the light rays received.

The execution schedule, said Mulet García, contemplates 206 days of execution, and is approaching 170 days completed, with 16 dates behind schedule.

The physical progress plan up to Thursday 16 January was to reach 81.84%, and was 74.72% complete.

The delay was due to the heavy rains in June and the period between the arrival and departure of the containers, he said.

He pointed out that when the fleet is operational, 30 operators will work in four shifts, with one working day and three rest days.

During the daytime they will handle the generation and at night they will be custodians.

The park will provide more than 37 gigawatt hours annually, and save more than 8,140 tonnes of fuel. At the midday peak, these parks will help cover demand and reduce blackouts, Mulet García concluded.

(With information from Granma)

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