En este momento estás viendo Importance of Cuba’s pharmaceutical laboratory recognized

Importance of Cuba’s pharmaceutical laboratory recognized

Jorge Luis Perdomo, Cuba’s deputy prime minister, today highlighted the importance of the productions of the «8 de Marzo» pharmaceutical laboratory for the National Health System (SNS), particularly that of injectable antibiotics, on the first anniversary of the start-up of the modern plant.

After touring the facility belonging to BioCubaFarma, Perdomo pointed out the prowess of the workers of that area, where medicines are produced for the therapies of the hospitals of the archipelago, who in recent months delivered to the SNS about 450,000 vials of antibiotics and plan to provide 3.3 million of these products, so necessary in the care of bacterial infections, by the first four months of 2024.

Despite the shortage in early 2023 of raw materials for the production of capsule antibiotics such as Amoxicillin and Cephalexin for children and adults, he said, the commitment and sense of belonging of those who work here was vital to return them to the country’s community pharmacies.

As part of the exchange, the Deputy Prime Minister urged the promotion of research and development projects, which will enable the development of innovative drugs of natural origin, the substitution of imports and the diversification of production in an increasingly complex context.

Accompanied by Eduardo Martínez, president of the business group of the Cuban biotechnological and pharmaceutical industries, and other executives of BioCubaFarma, Perdomo also praised the role of young people as an essential pillar in achieving results and invited them to continue to improve in the different areas of knowledge.

For the young chemical engineer Claudia Martínez, who works as the main specialist in the injectables plant, it is a satisfaction to contribute to the improvement of people’s health, which is why she is recognized as an accomplished professional by being part of one of the most sensitive and strategic sectors for the socioeconomic progress of the largest of the Antilles.

Founded in 1981 by Vilma Espín, the company «8 de Marzo» reflects the vision of Commander in Chief Fidel Castro of the need to turn Cuba into a country of men of science, which would not only save the island, but also help humanity.

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