En este momento estás viendo Díaz-Canel: we have to respond creatively among all of us

Díaz-Canel: we have to respond creatively among all of us

In the capital we must give a response of creative resistance among all, said today Miguel Díaz-Canel Bermúdez, First Secretary of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of Cuba and President of the Republic, while leading a working meeting where the challenges and potentialities of the province for 2023 were defined.

During the meeting, the Cuban head of state pointed out that Havana has accumulated problems, but it has positive projects and experiences that should become the rule and not the exception in the strategy to be followed for the economic and social development of the territory.

He affirmed that Havana residents and Cubans, in general, cannot sit back and wait for the sanctions and measures constantly imposed by the U.S. government on the largest of the Antilles, but that the response must be hard work to overcome the obstacles.

The president pointed out that in order to obtain good results in the capital city, it is necessary to have an optimal governance and a political assurance that guarantees a permanent check on the problems that arise in the neighborhoods and communities.

He added that a transparent administration is needed to ensure the cessation of crime and corruption at all levels and spheres of development.

Díaz-Canel called for increased popular participation in each of the processes of transformation of the spaces inhabited by the people of Havana and made a call to take into account the criticisms and suggestions of the inhabitants.

Regarding agricultural production, the Cuban president emphasized the joint work between farmers and scientists and specialists from the capital’s higher education institutions such as the Agrarian University of Havana and other centers such as the National Institute of Agricultural Sciences, with whose expertise quality results will be achieved.

He insisted on the importance of using agroecological techniques that are environmentally friendly and on the training of human capital to apply them efficiently.

At the meeting, Pedro Fuentes Labrada, president of the G’ Obras Construction Cooperative, showed his goals for 2023 aimed at the production of construction materials.

According to the executive, G’ Obras aims to produce around 4,200 tons of cement this year, a figure that will enable it to replace imports and save the country close to one million dollars.

With its production, which is destined for direct sale to the population, to state entities and for social works, its workers apply scientific knowledge through the use of Cuban minerals and with a minimum of imported additives, without affecting the quality of the material.

Fuentes Labrada said that they will introduce natural alternatives to produce beams for structural reinforcement and shoring of buildings using marabú eco-wood.

Members of the Political Bureau Roberto Morales Ojeda and Manuel Marrero Cruz, who serve as Secretary of Organization of the Central Committee of the PCC and Prime Minister, respectively, participated in the discussions along with Luis Antonio Torres Iríbar, First Secretary of the PCC in Havana and Reinaldo García Zapata, Governor of the city.

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