En este momento estás viendo Daniel Ortega: those who call themselves democrats do not respect the people
Photo: PL

Daniel Ortega: those who call themselves democrats do not respect the people

The president of Nicaragua, Daniel Ortega, referred to the recent elections held in Venezuela where the opposition does not recognise the victory of Nicolás Maduro, and affirmed that those who today call themselves democrats do not respect the vote of the people.

During a ceremony on the eve of the 45th anniversary of the founding of the Nicaraguan Air Force, the president recalled the electoral victories in Venezuela since the time of Hugo Chávez, whom they also tried to remove in 2002 with a coup d’état that later failed.

«There, the forces of the people were decisive, and with the people, the military who were loyal to the president, loyal to Chávez, together they defeated the coup plotters and Chávez regained the presidency,» he recalled.

Ortega commented that since then there has been the diabolical germ of those who call themselves democrats but are nothing more than tyrants who have no respect for the people, because they want them to go hungry and suffer hardship, while they get richer and richer every day.

The Sandinista leader pointed out that those who carried out the coup against Chávez are the same people who now, with support from abroad, are trying to repeat history against Maduro, who was proclaimed by the Supreme Electoral Council (CNE) as the winner of the elections with 51.20 percent of the votes.

«That is when the plan began to develop with greater fury, the plan that the coup plotters, the terrorists, had been executing long before the elections, and on 29 July we saw the other candidate, who was really the puppet of the ultra-right, declaring that he was the president; they had already paid and bought off the humble people in the neighbourhoods,» he emphasised.

The Central American leader also referred to the media manipulation that has been taking place since before the elections and assured that the plan against Maduro was well planned by the coup groups, as happened in Nicaragua in April 2018.

He alluded to the violent actions registered in recent days in the South American nation where several members of the forces of law and order were injured.

«This behaviour reflects that the plan was already very well organised, that part of the plan was that a large number of Latin American governments would all launch themselves against the election results and qualify that the elections had not been correct,» he stressed.

In her speech, Ortega referred to the UN and described this organisation as an instrument of the imperialists of the world, because, according to her, there is no UN body that says that the results of the CNE in Venezuela should be respected.

On the same subject of the aforementioned multilateral organisation, the dignitary gave the example of how every year in the UN General Assembly, the majority of member countries vote in favour of the resolution presented by Cuba against the blockade, but the United States pays no attention.

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