En este momento estás viendo China and U.S. discuss ties, Taiwan and Palestine

China and U.S. discuss ties, Taiwan and Palestine

Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi spoke by telephone today with U.S. Secretary of State Antony Blinken on bilateral ties, the Taiwan issue and the Israel-Palestine conflict.

According to Xinhua news agency, the head of Chinese diplomacy emphasized to the U.S. side the importance of continuing the positive effects of the San Francisco summit and the consensus reached by the two heads of state.

On the Taiwan issue, he urged the United States not to interfere in the internal affairs of the Asian giant and not to support any separatist forces on the island.

During the telephone exchange, which according to Xinhua was at Blinken’s request, Wang called for a cease-fire as soon as possible in the Israel-Palestine conflict.

«At the crossroads of war and peace, major countries should adhere to fairness and justice, maintain objectivity and impartiality, show calm and rationality, make an all-out effort to de-escalate the situation and avoid a major humanitarian crisis,» he stressed.

The incumbent added that any solution to the current crisis in Gaza must contemplate the two-state solution, while «the agreement on the future of Palestine must reflect the will of the Palestinian people.»

Bilateral relations are badly strained due to the economic war against China, disagreements over the conflict in Ukraine and the Middle East, and U.S. meddling in internal affairs, such as the Taiwan issue.

Presidents Xi Jinping and Joe Biden recently held a historic meeting in which both sides expressed their commitment to move towards more stable ties based on collaboration, mutual respect and shared gains.

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