Approximately one thousand twelfth grade students in Ciego de Ávila are committed to take the entrance exams to Higher Education, scheduled for November.
Doctor of Science Lázaro Padrón Pereira, general director of Higher Secondary Education in the province, explained that at this stage they strengthen the preparation with six shifts of classes of the subjects to be examined and differentiated attention to those who need it most.
Irisleidys Pérez Sánchez, student of the Preuniversitary Institute La Edad de Oro in the territory of Avla, said she was satisfied with the preparation she is receiving and thanked the teachers for their dedication.
On November 15, 18 and 22 the tests in Mathematics, Spanish and History will be held, respectively, while the special convocation will be held in January 2023.
For the continuity of studies, the students have 2476 places for university, of which 634 are higher technicians, according to Dr. Niurka Tejeda García, specialist of the Provincial Entrance Commission.
The Higher Education admission process will have similar characteristics to the previous period, maintaining the precepts of rigor, transparency and better law, in coherence with the legal instruments in force.