Lee más sobre el artículo Torchlight March called for in Ciego de Avila
Foto: Tomada de / Photo taken from: https://www.artemisadiario.cu/

Torchlight March called for in Ciego de Avila

The Young Communist League (UJC) and the Federation of University Students (FEU) in Ciego de Avila are calling for participation this January 27th in the traditional March of the Torches,…

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Lee más sobre el artículo From 28 to 31 January, 6th International Conference For a Balance in the World
Alrededor de 900 delegados procedentes de 93 países se reunirán, del 28 al 31 de enero, en el Palacio de las Convenciones de La Habana. Foto: Granma / Around 900 delegates from 93 countries will meet from 28 to 31 January at the Palacio de las Convenciones in Havana. Photo: Granma

From 28 to 31 January, 6th International Conference For a Balance in the World

Some 900 delegates from 93 countries will attend the 6th International Conference For the Balance of the World, "With All and for the Good of All", dedicated to dialogue between…

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Lee más sobre el artículo More than 50 solar photovoltaic parks to be completed in Cuba by 2025
El parque solar fotovoltaico Escuela de Enfermería, en Cotorro, La Habana, que comenzará a aportar al SEN el 21 de febrero, luego de completar su entramado eléctrico el 31 de enero. Foto: Ricardo López Hevia/ Granma / The Escuela de Enfermería photovoltaic solar park in Cotorro, Havana, which will begin to contribute to the SEN on 21 February, after completing its electricity grid on 31 January. Photo: Ricardo López Hevia/ Granma.

More than 50 solar photovoltaic parks to be completed in Cuba by 2025

In 2025, the first 55 photovoltaic solar parks will be completed, with an output of 21.8 megawatts, out of 92, foreseeing a project of 2 012 MW of generation. The…

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Lee más sobre el artículo Mario Limonta, enduring
Junto a su inseparable compañera, Aurora Basnuevo, el querido actor Mario Limonta. Foto: Jorge Luis González / together with his inseparable companion, aurora basnuevo, the beloved actor mario limonta. photo: Jorge Luis González

Mario Limonta, enduring

Floral tributes from General Raúl Castro Ruz, leader of the Cuban Revolution, and President Díaz-Canel, honoured the beloved actor A heartfelt round of applause, the kind that comes from the…

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