Lee más sobre el artículo Dirty campaign against the Revolución Ciudadana in Ecuador denounced
Luisa González, candidata presidencial por el movimiento Revolución Ciudadana. Foto: PL / Luisa González, presidential candidate for the Citizen's Revolution movement. Photo: PL

Dirty campaign against the Revolución Ciudadana in Ecuador denounced

The electoral campaign in Ecuador continues today amid allegations of actions by the ruling party to discredit the Citizen's Revolution (RC) movement, whose candidate, Luisa González, is one of the…

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Lee más sobre el artículo Etecsa workers in Ciego de Avila committed to maintaining services
De izquierda a derecha Reinel Sergio Luna Pérez, jefe de grupo de Marketing, Aleida Sotolongo Díaz, jefa de departamento Comercial y Wilfredo José Rodríguez Rodríguez, director de Etecsa en la provincia. Foto: Causilla Cutiño / From left to right Reinel Sergio Luna Pérez, group head of Marketing, Aleida Sotolongo Díaz, head of the Commercial department and Wilfredo José Rodríguez Rodríguez, Etecsa's director in the province. Photo: Causilla Cutiño

Etecsa workers in Ciego de Avila committed to maintaining services

Despite the difficult economic and energy situation in the country, and the cruel US blockade, the workers of the Territorial Division of Empresa de Telecomunicaciones de Cuba S.A. (Etecsa) in…

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Lee más sobre el artículo May poetry save us
Obra de Ernesto Rancaño. Foto: Rancaño, Ernesto / Work by Ernesto Rancaño. Photo: Rancaño, Ernesto

May poetry save us

The 1st World Congress of Poets for Peace and Life on Earth - as part of the 6th International Conference for the Balance of the World - will focus on…

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Lee más sobre el artículo UNE forecasts 1,460 MW of power supply during Thursday’s night-time peak.
La central termoeléctrica Lidio Ramón (Felton). Foto: Juan Pablo Carreras Vidal/ ACN/ Archivo / The Lidio Ramón (Felton) thermoelectric power plant. Photo: Juan Pablo Carreras Vidal/ ACN/ Archive

UNE forecasts 1,460 MW of power supply during Thursday’s night-time peak.

The Electrical Union estimates an availability of 1 830 MW and a demand of 3 220 MW for Thursday's night-time peak, so it forecasts that the service could be affected…

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Lee más sobre el artículo Morón hospital receives donation from Canada
Recepción en el hospital de Morón. Fotos tomadas del perfil de Lessner Gómez en Facebook / Reception at the hospital in Morón. Photos taken from Lessner Gómez's Facebook profile.

Morón hospital receives donation from Canada

A donation of 50 kilograms of medical supplies managed by the Association of Cubans in Toronto "Juan Gualberto Gómez", with the support of Together for Cuba, was received on Tuesday…

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